January 8, 2016

Contact us

Wholesale company AMERSKŁAD

Rzeszów-Miłocin Office

Miłocin 181
36-062 Zaczernie near Rzeszow
Tel. +48 512-253-205
Fax: +48 17-861-26-37

Details, Sales & Promotion

+48 789 366 012

English speaking customers please call

+48 789 366 012

Lublin Office

20-703 Lublin
ul. Cisowa 11
Tel. +48 516 910 900

Rzeszów-Miłocin Office
The warehouse is located in a commercial center "Polam" near the exit route from Rzeszow heading Tarnobrzeg, Radom and Warsaw, within 1 km of a two way road. The building is neighboring Fiat & Hyundai Dealer and car service.

Lublin Office